Decluttering a Closet to Deal with a D – Disorganized Dressing

Decluttering a Closet to Deal with a D – Disorganized Dressing

It’s Day 394 of the Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Project and an image coaching session allowed me to support a Pink Collar Swan in decluttering a decluttering a closet to deal with a D –– disorganized dressing. One of my clients, Janet Kassalen, is a gifted author whose debut children’s book, Flip Flap Try, has a valuable lesson for adults trying to find their career fit. I was delighted to interview Janet ( and, a few months ago and to get to work with her around her image coaching needs.

Like many women, Janet felt her wardrobe lacked appropriate clothing for her professional and personal life ––– book events, playing in the orchestra, church, date nights, and for casual activities. After Janet completed a complimentary  image assessment, we devised a plan that included assessing her wardrobe, decluttering her closet and organizing her outfits. Today, during our two hour session, I was able to support Janet in minimizing this barrier and maximizing the best clothes in her closet resulting in beautiful options that work for her. Decluttering a closet to deal with a D –– disorganized dressing feels so rewarding!

Me, Pink Collar Coach, with Janet in a gorgeous Anthropologie belted dress & pants that are artistic & whimsical like her! I’m in a top & fly-away cardi w/ skinny jeans,  sandals, & handbag. All Calvin Klein acquired from TJ Maxx over time.  

As a Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Life Coach who provides coaching around image as a part of my holistic approach, it was such a joy to watch Janet realize she already had a great wardrobe but just wasn’t putting pieces together effectively. By teaching her some tips about her body type, coordinates, separates, staples, color, pattern, and texture, she now understands how to build outfits that reflect her personal sense of style with confidence. All she needs now is a great pair of jeans and a new hair style. We’re working on that next week. In the meantime though, Janet expressed how pleased she already is with the way we decluttered her closet and dealt with the disorganized dressing D.

How about you? Have a cluttered closet that causes disorganized dressing? How can you be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose to declutter it in order to deal with that particular D? If you need some support, please reach out for a complimentary image coaching assessment at with Image Coaching in the Subject Line. Thank you!

Be savvy &  chic,

~ Pink Collar Coach

Purposeful in Pink & Pondering Mary Kay Cosmetics as a Product

Purposeful in Pink & Pondering Mary Kay Cosmetics as a Product

Day 154 of the Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Project started early with a meeting to explore an idea I’ve toyed with on and off for a while. As a girly girl who loves pink and makeup, I’ve always been drawn to Mary Kay Cosmetics. That being the case, when I met a Mary Kay Sales Director at my Evolve networking event, I voiced my interest in learning more about how Mary Kay might work for my image coaching and we scheduled to meet this morning. I decided to be purposeful in pink to honor one of America’s greatest entrepreneurs and I’ve been pondering whether to offer Mary Kay Cosmetics as a Pink Collar Savvy & Chic product ever since.

Pink Collar Coach, purposeful in pink. Calvin Klein fuchsia shirt dress, bone pumps and pink bag.

In graduate school, I researched Mary Kay Ash as part of my capstone project. My final paper was entitled: “Pink Collar Strategy to Shatter the Glass Ceiling: Entrepreneurialism as a Sledgehammer”. Mary Kay left the male dominated corporate world and founded the company as a way to help other women be successful. Its principles are God first, family second and career third. This so aligns with my values and the image coaching facet of my business. And the freedom and flexibility the company offers fit into my dream “portfolio career” where I’m doing all the things I love on my terms vs. working for others. While all of this is good for me, I believe it could be great for the women I coach, personally and professionally.

Thus far, when I’ve done image coaching sessions, I’ve taken clients to Sephora (and Target in a pinch because the request was added on to go with an out of town client’s new wardrobe!). It seems to make sense that I’d carry products so the image coaching sessions can take place in my home/office, the client’s home, or at the Mary Kay Studio here in town (I didn’t know that existed until today!). That would provide more opportunity for proper makeup application so the look can be replicated at home. And I’m hopeful that doing the demonstrations and providing the products in a more relaxed setting will put clients more at ease.

Really, I’m trying to be purposeful about what I now call, “The Swan Experience”. For those who request a stand alone cosmetics makeover or one to complement the wardrobe makeover, the transformation would simply include cosmetics I carry rather than clients purchasing products from a retailer and paying the marked up prices to cover their overhead expenses. In addition, I’d be able to offer complimentary products and services. It seems like a win win! And, surprisingly, my hubby volunteered that he’s on board should I decide to move forward.

As a Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Chick who is building her business to serve you,   I’d love your input. I’m not asking if you think I should “sell” Mary Kay. My question is more if if you were interested in an image coaching session, would you enjoy having the products on hand to try in a comfortable, private setting? I’m trying to be purposeful and provide your preferences, so I appreciate you helping me ponder whether to offer Mary Kay Cosmetics as a Pink Collar Savvy & Chic product. Thank you!

P.S. If you weigh in and I move forward, there may be some giveaways!

Be savvy & chic,

~Pink Collar Coach