Coaching as a Creative Intervention for Pink Collar Challenges

Coaching as a Creative Intervention for Pink Collar Challenges

“A problem is nothing more than an opportunity in [pink collar] work clothes.”

– Michael Milchalko[i]

Career Challenges

Whether the leader, a human resources manager or a team member, considering life coaching as a creative intervention to the pink-collar challenges women in the workplace face can minimize their personal barriers and maximize their best professional performance.

COVID 19 continues to present pandemic-related career challenges. Even before the coronavirus appeared on the global stage, working women faced “wicked problems” – those open to interpretation and that don’t lend themselves to simple solutions. [ii] Wicked problems need redefinition, the result of which places them under the “ds” description of barriers: death, debt, depression, diagnoses (including undiagnosed), diet, disasters, disease, divorce, dysfunctional relationships, domestic disputes, etc. Working through a global pandemic made dealing with the ds more complex than ever. Women may consider their children a blessing, but even the most doting found working with dependents at home a mixed one during the shutdown and continue to as the world attempts to navigate a new normal!

These ds call for leaders, human resource managers, and organizations to construct new innovative intervention methods to prevent their female talent from derailing. Life coaching can keep them on track!

Consider Coaching Intervention

Coaching meets a real need, and it offers real benefits to the coachees and their organizations.[iii] As opposed to leadership or executive coaching, life coaching fills a gap for those who haven’t made it to the office with the corner view. The life coach serves as a change agent who works within this unique coaching niche to empower the coachee to work toward creating a better life today and a better future tomorrow [iv].

Choose Coaching Implementation

Leaders or human resource managers must determine who will provide the coachees with life coaching to move forward with the intervention. Organizations may opt to 1) train internal HR talent, 2) tap into external interns (Masters and Doctoral candidates from local universities, 3) try remote or virtual formats), or 4) turn it into an investment and hire outside coaches to offer as part of an employee assistance program (EAP) or professional development (PD) opportunity. With the latter, organizations will see a good return on investment (ROI) when the life coaching proves effective and yields positive changes in the employees’ personal life that enhance their professional performance [v].

Create Coaching Innovation

When it comes to the coaching curriculum, an organization’s internal professional development team could develop a tailored format to address personal problems negatively impacting professional performance. The organization’s leaders and human resource managers could also research external options that best fit their employees’ needs and align with organizational values.

Master trainer and pioneer in Christian coaching, Tony Stoltzfus, created a broad range of coaching resources, including powerful questions to ask coachees during sessions. Life coaches can ask the following six *“change questions” [vi] of women in the workplace dealing with the ds:

Change Questions to Deal with the ds

  • “What would need to change in your attitudes or responses for you to function at your best in the midst of this, even if the circumstances don’t change?”
  • “If this circumstance is hard to get rid of or is beyond your control, how can you choose to experience it differently?”
  • “If you can’t change this, how can you make peace with it?”
  • “What is this experience teaching you? What is the gift this pain brings?”
  • “What good could come of this? How could this teach you compassion, or grace, or endurance, or character?”
  • “Research on survivors found that we are either broken by suffering, survive it and get life back to normal, or it becomes a defining moment in our lives. How could this experience become a defining moment for you, where you rise up and engage it out of what you were made to be?”

Caution to Coaches

Because the lines between coaching and counseling can get crossed, coaches must distinguish between the two at the onset of the coaching engagement, including setting appropriate boundaries to ensure the lines don’t cross. Ethical coaches also know when to refer the coachee to a counselor when their needs fall outside the coaching boundary [vii].

 Christians Called as Coaching Change Agents

Women of faith in the workplace share an obligation to make the most of God-given strengths and talents by serving those with whom we work [viii]. Accepting the charge to participate in the innovative intervention of life coaching may engender doubt (another d) that you’re qualified for the job. No room for the Imposter Syndrome here! Reliance on the God who not only calls you to the task but Who will pull you through it can turn doubt into doubling down! Now those are good Ds!

To learn more about Pink Collar Savvy & Chic Coaching, please click the Services link below. Thank you!

Be savvy & chic,

Pink Collar Coach

*Permission granted to use the questions from Tony Stoltzfus.


[i] Milchalko, M. (2006). Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques. (2nd Ed.)

Ten Speed Press.

[ii] Oster, G.W. (2001). The Light Prize: Perspectives on Christian Innovation. Positive Signs Media.

[iii] See Endnote # 1.

[iv] Stoltzfus, T. (2009). Christian Life Coaching: Calling and Destiny Discovery Tools for Christian Life Coaching. Coach 22.

[v] Jones, R. J., Woods, S.A., & Guillaume, Y.R.F. (2016). The Effectiveness of Workplace Coaching: A Meta-analysis of Learning and Performance Outcomes from Coaching. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89 (2), 249-277. 10.1111/joop.12119

[vi] Stoltzfus, T. (2008). Coaching Questions: A Coach’s Guide to Powerful Asking Skills. Coach 22.

[vii] Orenstein, R.L. (2007). Multidimensional Executive Coaching. Springer Publishing Company.

[viii] See Endnote # 2.

Pink Collar Coach’s Positivity Post – Labor Day 2021

Pink Collar Coach’s Positivity Post – Labor Day 2021

As we celebrate Labor Day, sending some love to all the Pink Collar Swans working on the home-front and in the workplace. Pink Collar Girls, we make the working world go round! May God bless all the work of your hands (Proverbs 31:31).

Be savvy & chic,

-Pink Collar Coach

Deity “Trumps” Democracy (Pun Intended)

Deity “Trumps” Democracy (Pun Intended)


Me, Pink Collar Coach, outside the Us. Capital Building. 

Inauguration Day derailed me. In the best way. I watched the proceedings in their entirety. And that’s the first televised Oval Office coverage I’ve viewed since the outgoing POTUS entered the White House. As Christians, it’s our God-given responsibility to pray for those in government, and I’ve done that. I even attended the 2020 National Day of Prayer (wore mask and maintained social distance from the crowd) and spent intentional time petitioning for our country’s then-leader to stop being so divisive in his delivery, whatever the issue. Whether I thought he was right or wrong. That said, I haven’t been able to listen to or look at him on a moving screen. Not because of his politics but his personality. His presentation. Still, I’ve remained informed by reading. Aware of the issues, I chose not to step into the land mine of political debates and discussions in the workplace, with family and friends, or on social media. I’m not overly concerned about who’s sitting in the President’s chair because I know Who’s on the Throne. Still, I’m breaking with my silence on politics to express some Black Girl Joy.

Not regarding the policies or positions, but about the progress and all of the firsts for women (and minorities). The first Black Asian woman of color as Vice President (my Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority sister; she attended Howard and I pledged at Hampton only a few years apart). Love that another woman, Latina Supreme Court Justice Sandra Sotomayer –– a first in her own right –– got the honor of swearing her in! On a smaller but no less impactful scale, the broadcast featured Sandra Lindsay, a Black nurse from NY, as the first in the US to receive the COVID-19 vaccination! Then there’s Amanda Gorman. The first American Youth Poet Laureate, who also happens to be a Black woman. One who completely stole the show, not only with her poem, “The Hill We Climb,” but with its stunning delivery. There’s also the first gay –– whether some approve or not –– that’s true diversity. It’s also democracy and leadership at its finest. Everyone gets to participate. And let’s not forget the swearing-in of the first Jewish, Latino, and Black Senator from Georgia by said Vice President. Wow! What a historic day in SO many ways.

Hence a bit of Black Girl Joy!

I’m thrilled about the progress that makes our nation’s capital look a little more like the nation it serves –– and that’s a good thing for all of us, no matter the color of our skin, our ethnicity, our gender, or orientation. But just as I didn’t agree with everything in the Trump/Pence administration simply because I’m a Christian and he somehow became the Evangelistic Christians’ President, nor will I agree with everything in the Biden/Harris administration, Black girl/sorority sister or not. Regardless of where any of us stand politically, what I call The Siege on the Sixth threatened our democracy. But it didn’t defeat it. Therefore, there is much to be celebrated about this transition of leadership power in addition to all the firsts.

The Inauguration occurred during the second week of my Doctor of Strategic Leadership studies. While attempting to research Leadership and Followership, unlike with the verbally volatile Trump press briefings, I could barely keep my eyes on the scholarly article on my laptop screen due to listening to and watching the inspiring messages and images on the iPhone propped beside me. The piece, entitled “The End of Leadership,” couldn’t have been more apropos. The leadership style we witnessed from the White House the last four years and its followership’s response is –– Lord willing –– the way of the past.

In contrast, President Biden’s promise to summarily dismiss anyone on his team for treating others with disrespect fills me with the hope that no one else will experience the disrespect, discrimination, and disenfranchisement I have in the workplace –– at least not on his watch. He informed them of this after expressing his appreciation and need to accomplish the arduous task before them. Then he made the expectations clear: for any who engage in disrespectful behavior or discrimination, it will be the last time. Witnessing this seemed to bring the title “New Leadership” on the page in front of me to life. Now, if other leaders follow our new Chief Commander’s/Commander in Chief’s lead, in addition to all the right firsts, there will be some wrong lasts as well.

Regardless of politics, this makes me even more proud to be an American. More thankful to be part of our nation’s experiment, which pulses with possibilities. Being at the capital this summer and praying for our country made me more protective of our democracy, the one our 46th President seems prepared to defend. The new administration faces some significant obstacles on “The Hill We Climb.” Ones that will continue to test the strength of our nation’s fiber. Our democracy suffered a serious threat. It is tattered and torn. But as one of Florida Georgia Line’s lead singers wrote and sung with Blake Sheldon during the Inauguration Concert, I pray we’ve grown “tired of looking Left or Right” and that we as a nation, one nation, under God, will “Start looking up.” Only then will we be genuinely indivisible, with truth, liberty, and justice for all.

So, let’s be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic and keep our eyes not on the things that divide us but on The Deity that trumps (pun intended) democracy.

Be savvy & chic,

~Pink Collar Coach

Ugly Duckling to Regent Royal Swan

Ugly Duckling to Regent Royal Swan

First of all, my apologies for any formatting issues! While on my break from blogging, Word Press changed everything! Which is a perfect segue into my second Pink Collar Positivity Post in 2021…

Me, Pink Collar Coach, in Regent Royal blue

& a Shabby Chic crown brooch. 

            In my half decade of life, I’ve discovered many of its difficulties begin with the letter d. My research alone has generated a list of over 50 of them! Dating that ends in disaster, dysfunction and most things in between can be classified as ‘d words’. Not just because of how they’re spelled. But because they’re barriers. Based on more than my share of experience –– I could’ve been dubbed “The Queen of the ds”! – in conjunction with formal and informal education in “ds development”, I’m certain I could earn a terminal degree (the highest level) in the subject if it existed! Since it doesn’t, this week I began a Doctor of Strategic Leadership degree –– a good D (those are capitalized –– at least in my mind’s eye ––whereas bad ones are lowercase)! 

            Initially I vacillated between Liberty University and Regent. Then discovering the Leadership Coaching Concentration offered at Regent sealed the deal since it aligns with my Masters in Leadership and Coaching. And now that I’ve completed the first residency this week, I’m delighted to say my decision –– another good D – was affirmed. Regent’s doctoral program will further equip me with tools to use daily in my role as Women’s Center Director at Hope House Mission, a faith-based homeless shelter by day, as well as in my coaching business, Pink Collar Savvy & Chic by nightThe content covered makes me confident I’ll be able to put leadership theory learning and coaching into practice in both settings as I help women solve the problems they’re facing. Best of all, I’ll be better equipped to facilitate total transformation.

            Which brings me to one of the most impactful things I learned from the residency: If we want our followers to be transformed, we have to be transformed.For me, that means if I want my residents, staff, team, coachees, and readers to be transformed, I have to be transformed. 

            Praise God, I have been! 

            After earning an executive coaching certificate and starting my agency, I became known as the Pink Collar Coach and for providing life and leadership coaching to women in the workplace. Having overcome many of the personal and professional ds that threaten to derail them, I also share how I deal with these on this blog. Doing so allows me minimize my own barriers (ds), and to maximize beauty and my best life. All to His glory. It’s also led me to my purpose, which is to use my God-given strengths and talents to coach, encourage and inspire other women to do the same. How? Through total transformation, or what I refer to as “The Swan Experience”. 

            For a long time, though I became a Christian as a child, I was the ugly duckling. Literally. But it wasn’t my acne clearing up or getting my braces off as a teenager that changed how I saw myself. Like the ugly duckling looking into the pond and finally seeing itself for what it was created to be –– the most beautiful swan –– when I truly understood that my heavenly Father, the King of the World, designed me as His beloved daughter, my transformation began. Not from an ugly duckling, but from a swan who didn’t know she was a Swan to one who knows she was created one all along. One who is filled with the truly transforming power of Jesus Christ and His Spirit. That’s everything I need to live the life He’s destined me to live. My best personal and professional life. All to His glory. 

            So as a coach, a transformed change agent, and a Royal Regent doctoral student Swan, I’m thankful the first residency has taught me how I’ll continue to grow and transform more and more into my design and destiny -wonderful Ds! –  in order to facilitate the transformation of others.  

Question: Do you know you were designed as a Swan? As His beloved daughter? Are you living your best transformed life? 

Be Savvy & Chic,

Pink Collar Coach

Pink Collar Coach’s Post # 1 in 2021!

Pink Collar Coach’s Post # 1 in 2021!

Happy New Year! It’s been such a long time. I’ve missed you readers and pray you’re staying healthy, safe and positive during this pandemic…

In my half decade of life, I’ve discovered many of life’s difficulties begin with the letter d. Based on more than my share of experience in conjunction with formal and informal education and “ds development”, I could earn an advanced degree in the subject! In fact, many of the ds will serve as topics of study I’ll delve into a little deeper as I begin a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership with a concentration in Leadership Coaching next week…Dating that ends in disaster, dysfunction and most things in between, can be grouped under a d word. My research alone has generated a list of more than a hundred!

And the year 2020 introduced us to a doozie in the form of the Coronavirus disease along with the devastation and death its wreaked. Like so many, COVID-19 has impacted my employment and had me leading the women’s shelter where I’m the director remotely since April. A few residents and all my staff tested positive at one point. One was hospitalized, another lost her husband to COVID and recently a staff member’s infant grandchild passed away from the deadly disease. As devastating as these deaths have been, God’s grace and strength at work in the lives of His beloved daughters has been on miraculous display –– a good D.

Like these amazing women, as the Pink Collar Coach, blogging about the ds on my Pink Collar Savvy & Chic site, is a way for me to deal with them professionally and personally. I’ve been blessed to be able to minimize my barriers (ds) and maximize beauty and my best life. So, how can other women, Pink Collar Savvy & Chic Swans, whose professional and personal lives are full of ds  –– in the workplace and on the home-front –– do the same? After a year-long hiatus from blogging, beginning this week, I’ll embark on this year’s Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Project. The Pink Collar Savvy & Chic Godly Girls’ Guide to The Swan Experience, A Devotional for Dealing with Life’s ds –– difficulties –– on the Daily. Posts from this blog will focus on Discovering Your Design and Destiny as God’s Daughter, which leads to total transformation.  The goal is to blog them into a book that will coach, encourage and inspire women to minimize barriers and maximize beauty and best lives. All to His glory.

As I pursue a doctorate, revamp the blog, and prep to publish Hold on Her Heart, the sequel to my debut novel, Seasons of Her Soul, a fictionalized account of a young woman’s journey out of domestic violence and into her her best life, Book 1 in the Lee’s Legacy series is being offered at a discount price. I hope you’ll check it out and then read Book Two, coming soon!

To preview/purchase the print or Kindle version of Seasons of Her Soul, please visit at or

It is also available on Barnes and at

Looking forward to reconnecting and pray Pink Collar Savvy & Chic will be a blessing as you deal with the ds the pandemic and life presents on the daily!

~Pink Collar Coach

Pink Collar Coach’s Positivity Post – Faith and the 4th of July!

Pink Collar Coach’s Positivity Post – Faith and the 4th of July!


Whom the Son sets FREE, is FREE indeed! 

Have a blessed Independence Day! 


Be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic

                                                                                             ~  Pink Collar Coach




Downton During my Down Time

Downton During my Down Time

It’s another day of being Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and since I’m still catching up from not blogging due to a broken ankle during the holidays, I’m sharing about watching Downtown during my down time. Though the show’s finale aired in 2016 after six successful seasons, much to the chagrin of devoted fans, the British drama set in the early 1900s is still PBS’ top drama of all time.  So as die hard Downtonians and Abbey Heads –– two of the names for lovers of all things Downton Abbey –– my Swan Sister Kibby and I were there the weekend the film hit the big screen. We made the most of the event (along with a Kibby’s friend, Downtonian Dami, who immediately became my friend) and in true Downton style, dressed for the occasion. The much anticipated movie didn’t disappoint but delivered a cinematic experience that proved to be magical! So much so  I went back and saw it alone a second time. Doing so helped me feel better about being divorced – a D or challenge women face –– and not having my children every weekend…Instead I can indulge in something just for me. Leaving the theater, I prayed it would be out in time for the holidays so I could again watch Downton during my down time.

Me, Pink Collar Coach, as Lady Mary (she’s pictured top left corner). Calvin Klein maxi dress and pink scarf/wrap, I already owned _ TJ Maxx.                                 Tiara is a child’s princess hair comb.                                                      Necklace, neck scarf and gloves from Kibby. She  made pink earrings.

To my delight and that of movie fans around the globe, the Blue Ray and DVD released right before Christmas. And though Santa didn’t leave it for me in my pink Shabby Chic stocking (he left Victoria, Season 3 instead) clad in my PJs and boot this time around, I enjoyed this treat to myself  in the comfort of my Petite Retreat even more than I did with my solo viewing.

In fact, I’ve talked it up so much, my hubby is on the verge of committing to watch the series with me and then cap it all off with the movie. He’s always walked into the room and watched in fits and starts… Kibby’s significant other, Roger, on the other hand joined us for our dress up viewing, and served as our photographer (I’m having technical difficulties or would share the photos). He’s a Downtownian himself, so I’m hopeful I can get my hubby to join the club. If he does, I suspect I’ll cherish sharing the series during date nights as much as I did watching Downton during my down time.

My prayer for you is that you be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and make the most of your down time. Even if that means playing adult dress up and/or seeing a movie alone. When you do, like me, I believe you’ll be able to minimize your barriers and maximize beauty and your best life.

Be savvy and chic,

~Pink Collar Coach

P.S. Based on the movie’s whopping success, a  Downtown Abbey  sequel is in the works! : )


Treasured Time Together

Treasured Time Together

It’s another day of being Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and I’m still glowing from the warmth of a Christmas linner (lunch + dinner) with a forever friend and our treasured time together. Terri and I –– two of a BFF trio of teachers who taught at a private Christian school for years –– have been doing life with each other more than two decades. When the economy went south in 2003, forcing the school to close, our careers took different paths. Our hearts, however, remain as connected as when our classrooms were next door. Back in our school days, we gave each other lots of potty breaks and talked on the daily. Today, we’re intentional about scheduling visits and our catch up conversations cram in as much as our grown up commitments will allow. We may not be teachers anymore, but somehow every night is still a school night that necessitates us calling it an evening. This limitation only serves to make us truly treasure our time together.

Me, Pink Collar Coach, and Terri, treasuring our time together. An oldie but goodie Calvin Klein sweater dress I break out at least once every Christmas – TJ Maxx.                                                                                                                         $1 Christmas light earrings from Dollar Tree I bought for Zumba.

Terri, Brenda (our missing member, waited a long time to become a  grandmother and is now one to four little boys and  isn’t always available to join us and we couldn’t be happier for her!) and I have shared so much love and laughter during the up times. We’ve also shared many of the Ds –– barriers or challenges women face –– in the form of death, depression, domestic violence, divorce, and dysfunctional relationships.  The list could go on. And on. Through all these Ds –– the down times ––  we’ve found God’s Word to be true, “If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NIV). How blessed we’ve been to have each other when we’ve been down.

These Swan Soul Sisters may not be my blood relatives, but they’re part of the family I’ve chosen for myself. I thank God He made me wise enough to fit them into the family space in my heart. They’ve helped me minimize my barriers and maximize beauty and my best life. Another reason I treasure our time together.

My prayer for you is that you’ll be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and make the effort to be with the ones in your life, those Swan Soul Sisters, who’ve been there for you when you’ve been down –– even though the holidays are “officially over”.  When you do, I believe you’ll not only treasure your time together, you’ll minimize your barriers and maximize beauty and your best life too.

Be savvy and chic,

~Pink Collar Coach

Leap In Leopard

Leap In Leopard

It’s another day of being Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and last night when I put together my professional packaging for today,  hopeful that it would transition into my personal life in the form of date night with my hubby, I selected an animal print sweater –– a  leap in leopard on my part! Pun intended. While the big cats can leap over 20 feet and jump 10 feet in the air, at age 50, rather than prancing around covered in an animal print like its a second skin, donning even a little feels like a big stretch. So, for me, buying and then actually wearing something I’m not totally comfortable in is literally a leap in leopard!

Leap in Leopard! Calvin Klein leopard print sweater – TJ Maxx.                Shabby Chic floor lamp – Home Goods.

And speaking of prancing around in faux fur, recent catastrophic (yeah, I did it again) reviews of the film CATS –– not only made me nix it for tonight’s movie selection, it made me wonder whether my feline inspired fashion choice would elicit similar feedback. Instead, my prayer partner/morning coffee meeting stated, “You look so pretty in animal print!” The resident who helped me out to my car after work at the Women’s Center where I’m the director exclaimed, “I love your outfit!”, and the doctor covering for my primary care physician at today’s appointment to address my asthma –– a D or challenge women face –– this one in the form of a diagnosis –– walked into the office, introduced herself and gushed, “I love your sweater.” Even in her lab coat she appeared chic clad in plaid pants and suede booties. I confessed how I  always hesitate with animal prints.  “Not me! I wear them as a neutral and mix them with other prints.” Wow! No leopard leaping for her!

This young woman’s response is exactly what I mean about owning our sense of style. She feels confident enough not only in her clothing choices but in herself to bold. Which brings me back to my prayer partner. After she complimented me, we went on discuss bold choices. In clothing –– she wore hot pink, a bold choice, because it’s my color, though she admittedly plays it safe in subdued colors most of the time. We talked about how this translates into life. We women often shy away from speaking with a bold voice. Even when we’re led by God and should be filled with holy boldness.

All that to say, like the chic physician, we, too,  need to be Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose and feel confident enough to be bold in  our clothing choices so we can own our professional and personal sense of style…My prayer for all of us is that we would be confident enough in God’s leading in our lives that we stop doubting ourselves –– another D –– and have holy boldness. When we do, we’ll be able to minimize our barriers and maximize beauty and our best lives.  Enough to make giant leaps in life and in leopard. 

Be savvy & chic ,

~Pink Collar Coach