Mean Women Mean Business

Mean Women Mean Business

It’s Day 400 of the Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose Project, and recent experiences have unfortunately served as a reminder that mean women mean business. Having grown up around mean girls and teenagers, I vowed I’d never turn into a mean woman. And despite not being perfect, I’m pretty sure I’ve held to that to the best of my ability. Other than occasionally gunning for a certain male someone I used to know, I can honestly say I don’t set out to be mean. Oh, that all women weren’t intentionally so! Some females makes a point of not only being mean to other women, they drag family members, friends, and co-workers into the ugliness…Today I witnessed this up close. Accusations, cursing, yelling, intimidation, threats. The bullying escalated to the degree that it was evident –– mean women mean business.

Credit to the amazing artist for creating this impactful image.

As a Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose woman whose purpose in life is to coach, encourage and inspire other women to minimize their barriers and to maximize their beauty and best lives, witnessing such violence –– though it didn’t get physical, it was still violent –– broke my heart. God didn’t create us to hate and bully but to love. But rather than supporting one another and lifting each other up, it was clear this woman’s goal was to bring another sister down. Having been on the receiving end of a verbal attack by a female hater as an adult, it hurts as much or more than it did as a child. After all, grown women should know better than to behave that way. Then again, I suspect they know exactly what they’re doing. By putting others down, they make themselves feel better. In that sense, mean women really do mean business.

How are you Pink Collar Savvy & Chic on Purpose about being part of the solution, not the problem?

Be savvy & chic,

~Pink Collar Coach